Saturday, February 10, 2018

Celebrate: Life in Rural Area

There was a tragic, fatal car accident in our area this week. Five brothers and sisters were driving to school. The girls were killed, the boys injured. I didn't know them and they aren't from my hometown. Obviously, this is not what I celebrate.

It is the aftermath.

Around here, you drive an hour to a mall, so neighbors help neighbors.  Sometimes, even when you don't know them. And you never know who is related to who. You never know who counts who as "friendamily". And you never know who is going to step up and have your back.

It is the aftermath.

And it's always the gestures of teenagers that make me cry and give me hope for the future.

Because life goes on, even when you think it won't. There was a basketball game played the other night. And the fans and team of the opposing team showed up in the school colors of the school the girls attended. In fact, the boys varsity basketball team wore warm-up shirts that read "Mabel-Canton Strong".

But it's what they did before the game started that brings tears to my eyes and hope to my heart.

In case you don't want to watch the video or read the article, the boys took off the warm-up shirts and presented them to the Mabel-Canton team.  Such a simple gesture. But it's a "we've got your back moment". It's a "there's more to life than basketball" and "we understand" moment. 

In this day and age of Tide Pod challenges and government officials behaving in ways that make me cringe, it's nice to have this small moment bring hope for the future. 


  1. We see hope when it’s the teens who show us true compassion and humanity. So sad for the tragedy.

  2. Such tragedy yet such hope. Living in a small town is a gift I appreciate all the time!

  3. Oh, such a heartbreaking story. Thanks for sharing the teens response. They truly are our hope for the future.

  4. The sadness of the tragedy mixed with the empathy of the opposing team touched me to tears.

  5. This a beautiful post. I am so sorry for those who lost their lives and the family and community who grieve. The aftermath that you share is wonderful. Peace to you.

  6. Tears. Heart ached reading your words about the accident.

    What you shared about the aftermath...more tears.

  7. I'm glad to read your celebration and so sad to hear the news of that loss. All kids when given the chance do step up and do what is right. Maybe we don't always give them the chance? I know you have, Deb, yet often they have so little power. Hugs to you and your community.

  8. Such a horrible loss. I'm glad that there are those who stretch out their hands offering comfort.


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