Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Chloe Writes: Winter Sucks

Let me just tell you.  This. Winter. Sucks.

For a while after the lake, it was really nice and we could still go for walks and play out in the backyard. I love to run in the backyard, and chase that dang squirrel that lives in the tree and if I could just catch that cat that likes to hang out under the deck...


Then it got cold. Really, really cold and my paws hurt when I have to go out and take care of business. Even when the cousins came for Christmas we couldn't stay outside very long, and, trust me, we wanted to! But even though it's too cold outside, Mom and Dad play fun games with me inside.

But this last week has been the worst one ever.


How can that be?

Now, no one plays with me. They just lay there, wrapped in their blankets, moaning like babies. Dad wouldn't even let me up to lay in the chair with him! Mom did though. I thought if I cuddled her for a little while she would feel better (dog cuddles make everything better). Then maybe we could play. But Mom wouldn't even throw the ball. Like how hard is it to throw the dumb ball?


So, all I've done for the last week is lay around. I keep trying to get them up, but it hasn't worked very well. Finally, yesterday, there was some activity around here. I think they might be getting better! Mom chased me up the steps a couple of times and Dad let me come up in his chair.

But it's still too cold to play outside :(


  1. Love this! I'm so sorry you've been too sick to play. This winter has been the coldest in history for us. We are having a snow day and we never have a snow day in south Louisiana!

  2. Very cute. My friend uses some app and a picture of her dog where her dog is actually "talking." I could just picture Chloe "voicing" this herself.

  3. Oh, Chloe. Life is tough with humans. I hope they are feeling better soon and the weather warms so that everyone can resume normal activities! Hang in there! I'm glad you brushed off the old laptop and wrote a slice today!

  4. We had the flu in-between Christmas and New Years. Not fun! Hope you both are feeling better and Chloe gets some attention!

  5. Aw, poor Chloe! I've missed you, and I hope your humans feel better soon! (Too bad you don't live around here, or you could've come sledding with me today!)

  6. Be well. I can't get the flu from you from your blog...can I? Mark

  7. Life is tough when both humans have the flu. I hope all this cold will kill all the germs and bugs that appear when it gets warmer. Good to hear from Chloe again.

  8. It's so good to hear from you, Chloe. I know how tough it can be when both humans are under the weather and the weather is not cooperating either. Soon, soon, you'll be able to play to your hearts delight!


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