Saturday, April 11, 2020

If This Isn't Nice... Magic.

I almost gave up on MAGIC this year. My One Little Word for 2020 just didn't seem appropriate with the way the world is right now. I mean, how can you look for the MAGIC around you when you can't leave your house!

Almost. Not quite.

An unexpected invitation to chat with writing friends led to
                         an unexpected writing group,
                                                 which led to an unexpected joy of finding more old writing friends
                                                                           and blogging with them again.

And that got me thinking about all the other MAGIC in my life because of writing. 

  • TeachWrite I joined them a while back and loved the people, but really thought about leaving the group until...
  • #100daysofnotebooking Joining this group kickstarted my writing again. We're now on day 102! And this lead me to...
  • The TeachWrite pop-ups on Zoom.
  • This helped me keep connected to people (because this quarantining stuff is hard!)
Writing has been a lifeline this last month!

Video Chats have also been MAGIC. I don't know who figured out the Jetson's way of communicating, but it has also been a blessing. I'm able to keep in contact with family and feel like we're (almost) together. 
Really, Who doesn't love a happy hour video chat?

We "see" the boys and their families at least once a week. The grandkids have Snapchat and House Party and Kids Messenger, so we hear from them even without their parents.

And there is nothing better than the sweet goodnights I'm getting from one of the youngest.

We are probably keeping in closer contact with others now than we were before! But it's one habit that won't go away when the quarantine is over!


  1. My world is brighter for having reconnected! I love your comments about the Jetsons way of communicating—now if we could only figure out how to have Jetsons style closets to help us get dressed!

  2. I'm so glad you didn't give up on magic! Terje (from Just for a Month) sent me this quote last week -- "Magic is something you make." Isn't that just perfect? I'm glad you decided to make magic and I can't wait to see how it plays out in your life for the rest of the year.

    Tomorrow is Thursday...I'm so glad the gang is coming back together again.

  3. A sweet kind of magic when your OLW found you in an unexpected way!
    I remember when the "Jetson" technology of being to actually see someone when talking on the phone became a reality I was rather ho-hum about it. Now I am so thankful as it is a blessing to connect that way.
    As for more Jetson realities, I will add to Christy's wish...Rosie the robot to clean, anything you wish to eat appearing via conveyor belt and mostly individual spaceships.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...