Saturday, April 18, 2020

#sosmagic20 Small {Spring} Matters

Have a story tell? Itching to write? Join us!

Spring comes slowly around here.
Winter does not quite want to give up her grip.
A 70-degree day arrives and you think,
"Spring is here!"

You start to believe you can
Drag the deck chairs from the garage and
The flip-flops from the closet.

You watch the buds on the trees
Grow bigger each day,
Almost while you watch.

You walk your way around the yard,
Checking, checking,
For tiny green sprouts to poke through the ground.

The Tiger Lilies fight their way through their leaf blankets.
and the Lily of the Valley finds holes in the rock garden
to spread their little white bells through the gnome village.

Sedums hope you will soon
Cut away the old stems
So they can push to the sky

You itch to grab a rake and
Clear the flower beds of their leaf blankets.
You want to give them
A little more warmth,
A little more room to spread their roots and grow.
So the warmth of the sun
Can work it's MAGIC.

But you don't. Not yet.

Because a day and half later
It snows.


  1. Hi Deb, I am in that same place, did rake a bit last week, but still, my cue is when I see a ladybug crawling out, then I know that I don't need to worry about them anymore. Love that "A little more warmth, A little more room to spread their roots and grow."

  2. You make me smile. I love the way you used 2nd person in this poem. I really love the hashtag...sos magic! It is just right.
    Shine on,

  3. Hello! I loved touring your garden in verse. And surprise at the end! Who'd have thought!

  4. Deck chairs, flip flops, Tiger Lillies, green sprouts...and then SNOW! Snow it such a fun sucker! I am glad it didn't come down this far this time.

  5. Waiting for spring takes patience and resilience. The winter does not want to leave easily.

  6. What a delight to read your poem and realize that you're a gardener who knows her plants. And when to wait and when to rake!

  7. I am smiling after reading your poem. This week I did yard work in a sleeveless shirt and shorts as others walked their dogs along the sidewalk in winter coats. I just could not wait anymore to feel the sunshine on my skin!

  8. Snow always seems so enchanting to me. I am sure it is because I don't live with it's fickle nature. "The Tiger Lilies fight their way through their leaf blankets and the Lily of the Valley finds holes in the rock garden to spread their little white bells through the gnome village." When you describe it this way, though the wait for snow to finally disappear seems worth it!

  9. Winter does get tiresome, but nature prevails and soon you will be raking those leaves and discovering all the hidden delights. Lily of the Valley are one of my favorite flowers. Rarely do I find them in Missouri.

  10. Deb, I have always marveled at the way you spin words. Beauty. I smiled at your tease of "winter does not want to give up her grip." Snow! I saw it briefly again yesterday morning, knowing it would evaporate in minutes, but thinking - Go Away! Let the warmth soak in.


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