Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Three Books

Oscar Wilde, an Irish writer and poet, supposedly once said, "Books, I fancy, may be conveniently divided into three classes: 1. Books to read 2. Books to reread 3. Books not to read at all."  

Make your own list. Add a few books to each category and explain your thinking.

Requirements for this post:
  • 150 word minimum
  • two books for each category
  • an explanation for each book why it belongs in that category
  • picture(s)
  • Spell-check, edited

I asked my freshmen to write the above post for their blog this week. I thought it only fair that I write it also. I think it will be harder for me to narrow down my choices than it will be for my ninth graders :)

Books to Read:

This is my longest list because I have so many books on my TBR list. Here are the two that I think right now top the list:

I have a huge author crush on Maggie Stiefvater. I just love the way she writes. While this book is sitting on my desk, I haven't started it yet because I'm waiting for a day where I can read the whole thing in one sitting. Or maybe in two sittings. I want to savor it.

Fangirl  is also on my list because so many people have said great things about it. A former student said it was possibly the best book of 2013 and I trust her book choices. 

Others on the list: Gym Candy by Carl Deuker (my boys love it. have to see what the fuss is about) 


Even though I have read this book twenty five times, I feel a Gone With the Wind marathon coming on. I haven't read it in years and I've changed a lot since the thirteen-year-old girl I was when I read it the first time--or even the forty-something I was when I read it the last time. Think it's time for the fifty-six-year old to see what she thinks and what she learns as she reads it.

I simply love this story. So the Inkheart series is dear to my heart. How can a reader not love the story of book characters who come to life? I've been thinking about Meggie and her dad a lot lately. A sure sign I need a reread.

Others on the list; The Harry Potter Series. Missing those characters also.


I have never been a fan of the British classics. I've read a few of them and find them stuffy and boring. Pride and Prejudice has all that, I think. I've tried to read it three times in the last few years, because it's one of Roomie's favorite books. I just don't get it. I hear by give myself permission to never try to read it again. 

With so  many fantastic young adult novels out there, with great characters and plots, can we just forget about this one?


  1. What a great idea for the students, and for all of us readers, Deb. I won't tell all, but on my re-read list are the Tolkien trilogy which I read "again" every few years. I did read the first twilight when all my students were raving-it's not worth it, but I wanted to see why! Thanks for this idea-will share it!

  2. You have sealed the deal for me, I have all the Twilight books (loaned from a friend) but have never cracked one open. Now I know I will not ever read them, so I might as well give them back. You have also given me some ideas to reread. I should revisit Gone with the Wind, loved it as a thirteen year old too. I need to reread The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. It touched my heart the first time.

  3. I like the assignment. Something to think about. I am in between books right now. There are many in the to-be-read and reread pile, but choosing which one to read is difficult.

  4. Love the assignment!! I especially love that you "hereby gave yourself permission". Love it.

  5. I really like this idea, but some books I am afraid to reread. What if the 2nd time around ruins the experience of the first? Although I definitely agree about Harry Potter.

  6. Oooh, this looks like fun. I will have to try this idea on my blog.

  7. I have such a deep and abiding dislike for the Twilight series...so glad that you feel the same way! My re-read is Anna Karenina, whose wisdom is revealed time and time again.

  8. Anne of Green Gables is always on my re-read list. I read the series many times as a child and teenager, and then again with my daughter. I feel a movie night coming soon....

  9. The Thorn Birds would be on my reread list! I have not read Twilight and I don't think it is something I missed. What are your thoughts on The Hunger Games?

  10. I love this post! I might have to borrow it for my 7th graders later in the year. I love Raven Boys. It's on my reread list. In fact, I enjoyed listening to the audio book after reading it, too. Now that I've read Dream Thieves, I want to listen to it. I'd have to move Gone with the Wind to my do not read list (even though I've read it, I must be the only person in the world who doesn't love it.)

  11. This is such a great idea for a post. I may borrow it for my students. I would be interested to see what they put on their lists. I am already thinking about what books would be on my lists...how to narrow down to two! I agree with you that Inkheart is an amazing book. I may have to reread it soon also.


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