Saturday, November 2, 2013

Family JOY

Discover. Play. Build.
Celebrate your world this week at
It's a great place to share all those little moments of JOY that happen during the week.
It's been a crazy world this week, but there were plenty moments of JOY finding their way into my world and most of it revolved around family.

1. Last week both of our sons and their families came for the weekend. Everyone being together is one of my biggest JOYs. There were so many little moments....
Just like old times, the boys had to play a little basketball. It wasn't long before their kids joined in the fun. Even Grandpa got in the act at one point!

It was a Pinterest weekend, so my daughter-in-law brought things the kids could do too. They made bats and wrote little skits to perform. After that was cookie baking time. Everyone got to help with that (really, my daughter-in-law should be an elementary school teacher--patience of a saint!)

Found a little time to go to the park a couple blocks away. Although there's a great play set there, rolling down the hill was everyone's favorite thing to do.

2. Also celebrating my mom this week. She had a heart ablation on Wednesday, which went much better than we expected. In and out in a day. Amazing the things doctors can do now. And how about a shout out to the substitute teachers who jump into our worlds and keep things running smoothly when we have to be gone. So thankful for the one who stepped in for me while I spent two days with Mom.  

3. Spent a couple hours last night bonding with my school family. They are those like-minded teachers that I can have important conversations about teaching and students, but can have fun with too. Last night was all about the fun. Much needed before conferences week.

These are things I celebrate this week. How about you? What little moments brought you JOY?


  1. Love the times spent with blood family, but also school family! Your world is rich with joy and people.

  2. What a great week with family, and I'm happy to hear your mother is okay, Deb. Also love seeing the pics. What is it about rolling down hills? I miss our little hill at my old house-it was just right! Have a super weekend, and with an extra hour!

  3. Glad your mom is doing well and you were able to spend time with her. Thanks for the reminder about great subs. They are wonderful! Family fun warms your heart. Teacher fun is the best!

  4. Great celebrations for you this week, especially your mom's procedure! I am jealous of your school family bonding! I could write a entire post about that but I will just say...consider yourself lucky!

  5. Glad that your mom is ok. The idea of Pinterest weekend caught my attention, something for me and my sister to think about.
    I like how you use your OLW in the celebrations.

  6. So glad your mom is okay! I love the picture of rolling down the hill! Such joy! :-)

  7. Wow! A whole week of celebrations! Fun with family! Fun with school friends! And a good report for your mom!

  8. Such joy! So much to celebrate!

  9. I particularly love that the best part of the park is the hill to roll down and not the equipment at all! That drawing of peas in a pod could not be truer. The strength of the relationships you have built with your colleagues was tangible when I visited. Those peas make me smile!

  10. JOY. You are showing me we can find it when we look. I'm glad to hear your mom is recovering.


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