Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Favorites

Took a couple of weeks off--not because I didn't have any favorites, I just didn't have time to write a post! Lake time has been jammed packed. So Friday Favorites this week is all about the lake...

1. Our cabin....

Which is actually an old camper with an addition. It has two small bedrooms, a small kitchen/dining area and one long addition. In the addition we have added a sleeper sofa and a futon, so we have a little more sleeping space when the boys and their families come to the lake. They have both come at the same time, with their dogs, and somehow, we make it work.

2. Quiet Mornings......
A long summer day, with nothing that has to be done. The possibilities are endless. Read a book, swim,  a little golf with friends, walks with Chloe, watching paint dry. It could all happen.

3. My view from the deck...

4. Special Moments with family...

This is our youngest son and his daughter dancing to "Hey Baby! (Won't You Be My Girl?)" We get to spend a lot of time with them this summer and it's so fun to watch them grow and learn. K is growing into a young lady at 8. T is a golfer extraordinaire and will soon be beating Grandma and Grandpa. Little Max won't be little much longer.

The other three grandkids are doing their own share of learning and growing. A got herself some pretty pink glasses and think she looks pretty sharp. B is loving the Captain Underpants books and Baby H is not a baby. Dad says he is walking around saying, "Chloe", so we are planning a trip down to see them.

5. Time to read!
I've read two professional books--"Flip Your Classroom" by Jonathan Bergman and Aaron Sams, the gurus of Flipped Learning. "Teach Like a Pirate" by Dave Burgess.  This is a great book about teaching with passion and enthusiasm. There are several Twitter chats going on about this book also. Follow along at #tlap.

I've also read some books from my classroom: Delirium and Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver, Night Road by Kristen Hannah (not really YA, but my girls will love it) and a new FAVORITE: The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancy. All I can say about it is WOW. I read it in two days. Action Packed. I'm planning on writing a review of it for my class blog, so maybe I will share that on here when it gets written. Thank heavens for my Twitter PLN who kept talking about this book. I may never have picked it up otherwise.

Well, that's it for this Friday.

What are your favorites this week?


  1. Great to see it all, Deb, the family & that view, to die for! And you've added another book to my list-ever growing. Thanks! Happy Weekend!

  2. Hooray for time at the lake! It does a soul good, doesn't it? I have had my eye on the 5th Wave for awhile--your stamp of approval means it will make it into my shopping cart!

  3. Oh, I love that view! Such a happy place Deb - a place for wonderful memory making for sure. I've done a lot of YA fiction reading, but today I begin the PD stack of books. Hooray!

  4. Miss the lake and all of you! Hope we can make it down mid August. What a crazy summer we're having here. Makes it tough, but we'll get through it!

  5. Sounds like you are having a great summer, but your slicing friends are missing your voice. Just thought I needed to stop by and say hello. :-)


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...