Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Concert in the Park

My favorite thing of the summer--concerts with friends. Last Saturday dawned with the summer smell of the lake--fresh, with a promise, a promise of new memories. Saturday night we went to see 3 Dog Night (yes, the same group you remember from your teen years if you are anywhere close to my age) at an outdoor concert in "The Park", as we call it. Amazingly, four members of the original band are still together and they have been playing together for 44 years.

44 years!

Isn't that amazing?

There's always an interesting mix of people at these concerts. Those who come for show, because it's the place to be and the real ones who come for the music.

And there are those who must not have anything else to do....they plop down their chair, open a beverage, text their friends,


It's a rock concert. How do you not move?

I grew up with live bands. I have many friends who play in live bands. Live music requires you to MOVE, to let the music take you to memories of who you used to be (or who you want to become), so how can you just sit and not move

I am a heckuva chair dancer, just so you know, if I can't get out and dance...

And to those women who wear heels and a dress to a grassy area

What are you thinking? Especially after all the rain Iowa has had...

And that's all I have today because I have spent the last two days at flipcon13--the flipped classroom conference--and my brain is full and ready to explode. Amazing conversations, too much to think about. I'll be writing about it soon.

Until then, peace out. And dance like no one is watching!


  1. Sounds like a very good time, Deb, the concert & your conference! My son just told me they were going to slip over into Idaho on the way to Yellowstone, & get to see the Beach Boys-must have a connection somewhere there! Three Dog Night-wow-a long while ago I saw them. Guess you had some oldies to listen to as well!

    1. IT was a great night, Linda. What we call "Mom's Night at the Stereo" We could sing along to every song!

  2. I am of your era, so cool beans! You got to see Three Dog Night! I have an album in the closet, it may not play since I probably wore it out in the 70's. I'm with you, how can you not move when there's live music? Some people!

    1. You would have loved it. So fun to take that trip down memory lane

  3. Good times, chair dancer! The flipped classroom conference sounds amazing. I'd love to hear how this concept works in an ELA classroom.

    1. Tara, I'll be writing and reflecting on this more. There are some amazing flippers out there. The cross country team I mentioned are HS English teachers.

  4. Sounds like one of those delicious only-in-summer moments! We play a 3 Dog Night song ("Eli's Coming") in our marching band summer concerts sometimes, so now I'll think of you next time we play it! :-)

    1. Can you believe that Eli's Coming was the one song they didn't play!

  5. Sounds like a great evening of fun. I agree, how can anyone sit still while listing to those "old" songs that we grew up with. My toes are already tapping with the thought of that music.

  6. What fun! I love those outdoor concerts. We have a park/pavilion walking distance from our house and love to sit among neighbors, chat and sing along. Dancing on occasion! :) Glad you let go and enJOYed!

    1. I knew there were people out there like us!

  7. Deb,
    Sounds like a fun night! We love to listen to live bands, but it is rare we see them outside. We are going to have to remedy that this summer. We are more likely to be found at an outdoor play.

    Keep dancing,

    1. Oh, I'll keep dancing! We try to get to as many concerts as we can. Admittedly, we are lucky that Arnold's Park runs them every weekend. Most are free, which is really nice!


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