Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Favorites

This week's Friday Favorites:

1) Books in a series:  Right now I am reading UnWholly by Neal Shusterman and it reminds be how much I love a good book series. It's like coming home to family. There isn't that awkward "getting to know you phase". You can just dive right in because you know the characters and the plot.

Learning a lyric dance

2) Making students think: My freshmen are beginning to put together their genius time projects. Some want to stick with the tried and true PowerPoints or some other tried and true method to show their learning. I'm trying to get them to think outside the box. It's hard. And they would much rather have me tell them what to do. But, slowly, they will think...

3) My school "children". We are a little family in my high school. But it started with Roomie. She's called me Mom for years. But then last year, a "rumor" started that Bossman was my son...and therefore, Roomie's brother. And this year, through Twitter exchanges, I gained two more children, ArtTeach and Annoying Lil Bro.  It's silly, but it makes me laugh and helps make some long days move a little faster. Today they brought me my Mother's Day gift--a "family" photo.

It sits proudly on my desk.

Well, that's it for this week. What were your favorite things this week?


  1. Love seeing all your favorites, Deb. My favorite thing this week, probably working with this new class-very nice group-these next weeks will be fun, & then done for a while!

  2. #3 is great! The kids at my school are convinced that the Special Ed teacher and I are sisters. A 4th grade teacher is another "sister". The art teacher and I could be sisters, too (though she is black and I am white!). And there are some young teachers in our building, young enough to be daughters! One of them is such a great teacher...has earned her administrator's license and will be leaving our building for an assistant principal position next year. I feel like a proud mama!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. It is so fun to get a glimpse into your life through your favs. I love that your colleagues are an extension to your family. You do have a special work environment.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

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