Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Favorites

This is quickly becoming my favorite thing to write each week. I'm always on the lookout for my favorite things.

This week there were many things that brought me JOY.

1. Twitter chats. I have participated in #iaedchat (Iowa Ed Chat) on Sunday nights at 8:00pm for awhile now. It's run by three principals from my state, but is full of teachers and administrators from across the Iowa who care about education in Iowa. It is also full of smart, funny people from around the world. You never know who will pop in.  Each week I am inspired to be a better teacher and person than I was the week before.

In the last couple of weeks, I found other chats. On Thursday nights a new chat sprung up--#mnchat (Minnesota chat). And since I'm only about 15 miles from the Minnesota border, I joined them too! And then, Wednesday night, I finally figured out what #tlap was--Teach Like a Pirate!

Teach Like a Pirate is a book by Dave Burgess. I haven't read the book yet (although it should be here Tuesday). But, wow, this is a group of creative people. I will definitely be back at this chat. I was so inspired after this chat AND found more resources for our plans for a May term at our high school. This book is definitely on my summer professional reading pile.

2. Unexpected Gifts. A retiring teacher popped in my room this week and gave me a present. She knows my love of the Wizard of Oz and witches. Best thing is--it's a magnet!

3. My Georgia O'Keeffe: Our amazing @Artteach13 had her students recreate famous paintings on the ceiling tiles in some classrooms. Mine is a Georgia O'Keeffe painting of red poppies (another Wizard of Oz/Wicked Witch connection). There is also a quote by O'Keefe that I just love:

"To create one's world in any of the arts takes courage."

There you are--this week's Friday Favorites. What were your favorites this week?


  1. Wow the Twitter chats with other teachers and administrators sounds like such an awesome learning experience!! Neat!!

    1. Twitter chats are amazing. I think I should have a little class this summer. Lots of interest


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