Tuesday, April 23, 2013

They Never Prepare You

They never prepare you for this~
the death of a student~especially a suicide.

They never prepare you
for the silence
for the echo in the hallways
even though students walk through them

They never prepare you
for the sound of laughter being intrusive
even when it's the sound you crave the most.

They never prepare you
for the revolving door
of students
coming in just for a hug.

They never prepare you
for the rumors
and the anger
for the way teenagers grieve and
the things they expect

Thank heavens
for the boy who says
"Can I be that guy that plays happy songs?"
for the tweet
"We love you, Mrs. Day"

Because they never prepare you


  1. It saddens me so when we hear of young people . . .babies really taking their own lives...what could it have been that made them so desperate? My heart goes out to all...

  2. No one is ever prepared for such a tragedy. Your poem is haunting echoes of your mind. So sorry for the loss of this student.

  3. Any kind of death in a school situation is tragic, especially when it's one that is by one own's hand. It is incredibly tragic. Nothing can prepare anyone for this. My heart goes out to this boy's family. I hope G-d will comfort them as they try to put their lives back together, knowing that it will be impossible to ever be whole again without their child.

    Thank G-d for the kids who try to liven the mood with the happy songs. We need those people to remind us of how to live again.

  4. I am so sorry...this is a very difficult time of the year for so many. I have a friend that misses her son terribly every day of her life. I will say a prayer for you...your school and this heartsick family. xo

  5. This poem saddens me. I can't begin to imagine what you and the other teachers and students at your school are going through. I hope that with each passing day, people begin to heal. Thank you for sharing this poem with us.

  6. How heartbreaking....a loss is always hard but it's even worse when it's a child. Your words reflect that pull in grieving and wanting to hear that laugh. Prayers for guidance and comfort for your kiddos as they grieve.

  7. Nothing prepares us for the loss of a child. We can only pray that God will bring us comfort and peace. My prayers go out to you, your students and his parents.

  8. I think we need not to be prepared - the grief must feel raw. After all, to be prepared is to accept that young people with their lives ahead of them can reach a point where they feel their road has ended. So sorry to hear this, Deb.

  9. Thank you for being there for them with hugs.

  10. Oh, so sorry, Deb. You're right that we are never prepared. I've never had to deal directly with this yet but I know I will someday. I hope you are comforted by the fact that your students come to you for comfort because they know how much you care.

  11. My heart aches. I can't imagine. The questions, the wonders, the whys. I believe a selfish act that drags out anger and sadness. Continue to comfort each other. I'm so sorry for the loss in your community.

  12. There's certainly no class for it, I'm certain, & hardly anyone wants to talk about it, but it does happen, as we know, & if many talked about it, perhaps more would be done. I'm so sorry for the terrible loss, wish the best for you and your students, your school, Deb.

  13. Deb, your words are so true. My daughter's class experienced the suicide of a classmate. It was such a difficult time for our community, but especially for the young people. Praying for solace for them and that you can stay strong for them.

  14. Thanks everyone for comments and sympathy. It means a lot. This week has been mentally exhausting. Thursday is the funeral and then my husband and I are off to open the cabin. I will definitely be finding my JOY this weekend.

  15. Sending you a virtual hug- you need to get one as much as you need to give them. Glad to hear about the cabin- the time away should allow you to process. I am so happy your kids have you. Sometimes we can't reach them all. I saw firsthand the power of the work you do. Never doubt how much you matter.


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