Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A "Wasit" Weekend

Geese family visiting the resort.

Memorial weekend at the lake is a time for family.  Everyone here had family at one time or another over the weekend.  Saturday started a little cool and cloudy, but it didn't stop us from enjoying the weekend.

Rock throwing

The grandkids never want to be inside, even the littlest one. Max is 17 months and really just finding his words.  So whatever we did, wherever we went, "Wasit?" Like his older brother and sister, one of his favorite things to do is throw rocks in the lake (it really should be filled by now).  

First swim of the season.

The older two, of course, wanted to swim. We held them off as long as we could, but when the sun came out, they went in.  At first, they were the only two swimming, but it wasn't long before most of the kids were in the water with them, while the adults in beach chairs on shore and shivered just thinking about swimming.  This grandma just smiled as they splashed about--you see, it doesn't seem that long ago it was me swimming in the lake on Memorial weekend. It was tradition--no matter the weather.

Tony and Grandpa

Sunday was HOT.  So the kids swam most of the morning, but we did find a little time on Sunday for golf. We took all three kids--even little Max, who was just thrilled to get to ride in the golf cart and be outside.

Kisses for Chloe
Chloe enjoyed the weekend too. I thought she was going to shake her tail off when our youngest son and his family showed up Saturday morning. She was so excited to see he and the kids. And the kids love her, so all was right in Chloe's universe. It's pretty funny watching Max with her. Chloe is taller than he is, but so gentle with him. Well, sometimes she forgets herself and Max will get knocked down, but Max just giggles and gets up and goes to her again.

Chloe's a pretty good sport too, at these family gatherings.  I'm not sure how she really feels about wearing the Barry Manilow shirt, but she posed for the picture anyway.

My favorite parts of the weekend were not the big things, however. They were the quiet moments spent with the grandkids, one on one. Finding out favorite books, talking about kindergarten, naming everything in the cabin.  Moments not shown in photographs, but "heartshots"  to remember and cherish.


  1. Love those "heartshots" the best! Sounds like another perfect Memory-al day!

    1. Is Chloe a Standard? We had a black standard poodle when the kids were young that was such a sweetheart. Love to have one again, but our golden retriever is great with our grandson who "pats" her face and eyes!

    2. Chloe is actually a Golden Doodle--part Golden Retriever and part standard poodle. We had a beloved Golden Retriever for almost 16 years. When we decided we were ready for a new dog, I wanted something that didn't shed too much, my husband wanted another retriever. Chloe is our compromise.She has definite qualities of both!

    3. That sounds like the perfect combination for our next dog!

  2. Deb --
    I have to admit I was a little afraid to read your post for fear the big-green-eyed-jealousy-monster would rear its ugly head. I knew you'd be at the lake, with the kind of relaxed heart that I can only hope to have in 3 more happy-wake-ups! I'm glad your summer is off to a perfect start - family and books and water and all sorts of perfection.

    So glad you wrote...and glad that instead of feeling jealous, I'm feeling hopeful that all this summer perfection will be mine soon too. ;)


    1. I'm now enjoying a little alone time, which I find I need after a hectic school year. Hoping your three more wake ups go quickly!

  3. What love and joy permeated your slice. The photos were perfect to extend the words. Chloe is such a dear, especially with that t-shirt. I'm glad you have her for company the next few days. Savor you peace ad quiet!

  4. Oh my word...what a lot of fun was had by everyone, Chloe included! She is a dear to wear that Barry manilow shirt, though - and I love the sly smile on her face, though, as if she's on to something!

  5. I love the term "heartshots!"

  6. Max and my Izzy seem to be in the same place. Love the shot of him kissing Chloe. Adorable!

    BTW: I'm a Manilow fan!

  7. I love the picture of Chloe and the little one -- such a sweet, tender moment! "Heartshots" is an amazing term. I may have to borrow it! :-)

  8. Thanks for the glimpse into your wonderful, fun-filled, busy weekend. Enjoy your next few days alone with Chloe, reading, relaxing and just being. I, too, love the "Heartshots"!

  9. I forgot it was memorial day weekend--- thanks for the reminder, living in a foreign country causes you to forget things from back home!

  10. Well, unlike Ruth, I am jealous! But, it is delightful always to hear you write about the lake adventures, & the photos are really a wonderful addition too. Love the little Max with Chloe. My kids had a golden lab when Carter was young, the sweetest dog with a toddler. You can't get any better. Love that shirt, too, Deb. Thanks for all & happy vacation! We have, after today, 7 1/2 more days.

  11. I love that line about Chloe almost shaking her tail off. In Chloe's honor, I think I will shake my tail off with joy when the school year is over!

    It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. The aside about you remembering swimming in the lake in the chilly air is evident of what makes your writing so warm and inviting. As a reader, I get to stand beside you and view the world through your lens while still getting a glimpse of what is in your heart.

  12. I was looking forward to a lake story and this was such a loving one. Heartshots, yes indeed.

  13. This sounds like so, so, so much fun! Someday, in the next hundred years, I am going to own a cabin at a lake and go there, with a huge stack of books and my dogs, and hopefully some grandkids every summer. I love Chloe and Max together!

  14. I enjoyed reading about the memories created and traditions maintained. And your grandkiddos are crazy for swimming on Saturday. I shivered thinking about it.

  15. A perfect start to summer! Special moments adding up . . . so glad you captured them.

  16. The image of lake filled with rocks or Chloe shaking her tail off, plus the kissing and dog in a T-shirt picture made the cute-meter go through the roof. I like how you say that often it is the "heartshots" that we cherish the most. Here is to more wonderful days and weekends this summer!


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