Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Teacher's Wish

I first posted this poem back in January. But today is graduation day, so I wanted to share it again. I think all teachers feel as I do and hope they have given their students everything they need as they make their way in the world.  So, for all graduates, but mostly for the Crestwood High School Class of 2012, here's my wish.

Wings To The World

I hope to give you wings
to soar above the world
spreading your message 
of passion, enthusiasm,
and love.

I hope to give you wings
to fly through the world
finding those who validate you
support your dreams.

I hope to give you wings
you may sail through the 
troubled times you experience 
rise above them.

I hope to give you wings
you may flit and float and flutter
without worrying what the fun-haters think.

I hope to give you wings.


  1. I loved it in January & love it still, Deb. It is a very special time when we have to say goodbye to those students we've nurtured. I hope you will enjoy these final minutes!

  2. I missed this in January somehow. So lovely and lovingly done. Wonderful sentiment! Thank you for sharing again. It's about time for the lake. May you also have wings to flit and flutter this summer (though I believe you have quite a "to do" list...)


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