Monday, November 21, 2011

My Author To Be is Published!

I wrote about my "author-to-be" back in August. She, of the bangs in her face and disheveled clothes. She, who constantly wanders around with her nose in a book. She, who is writing, always writing.

She asked me a month or so after that post if I would let her take "Creative Writing 2" as an independent study.  There really isn't a number 2 for this class, she just wants to write.  So I said yes (unbelievably, a few more have asked!).  She can't wait. I hope her enthusiasm for writing carries over to the others in the class!

She met me at the door Monday morning, bouncing with excitement--and I do mean bouncing. Hardly able to contain herself, she skipped and tripped over to meet me.

"Mrs. Day, I could hardly wait to show you this.  I'm so excited and it's all because of you."

I'm trying to think what I could have done to elicit this much enthusiasm.

"Really, it's all because of you. Look!"

And she pulls out several sheets of well-worn paper from the envelope in her pocket. It's obvious that these papers have been shared and read many times in the course of a few days.  She smoothes one out and then shows it to me.

"Look!  Look!  One of  my poems is being published in a book! It's my 'I Am" poem. The one you made me keep working on and adding stuff to. Look!  Here it is. It's all because of you!"

But it isn't all because of me. It's because of her. It's because she never gives up on a piece of writing. It's because she found a contest to enter her poem in. It's because she believes in herself.

"Allie," I say, "I am so proud of you."  And I truly am.


  1. It's quite a wonderful thing to hear 'It's all because of you!" I know she did the writing, but your dedication to your students and willingness to help always has to be part of the success, too. Look at what you did. You took extra students because they asked. I hope you are feeling quite a bit of pride in yourself too, along with pride in your student.

  2. That's the best reward don't you think Deb, the ice cream for a teacher!
    Bravo to both of you

  3. How cool is that? That is one lucky girl to have landed in your class and have you mentor/guide her in her writing. High five to you Deb!

  4. OMG that is so cool! Congratulations to her for being daring enough to write and submit. Congratulations to you for giving her a support system.

  5. Oh, but it is because of you! You showed her you cared. You showed her she had potential. You showed possibilities and opportunities. Yeah to you both!

  6. Wonderful. I love that you gave her the vehicle to accomplish this and I love her heart that tries to give it back to you. You're amazing. Remember that always.

  7. WOW, what an awesome moment for your student -- and for you! Congratulations to her for her work and you for your inspiration and guidance!

  8. That's WONDERFUL news. How awesome is that? You must be so proud of her (and should be proud of yourself too)!

  9. I'm going to agree with everyone else and say that you should be proud of yourself too! I believe I commented once before but I will say it again, I wish I could have had you or someone like you as one of my teachers. I could feel her happiness (and yours) just by reading this post.

  10. Oh wow! What a tribute to you!!! As for NCTE - next year it's Vegas for me.

  11. Cool Tara! I really want to go. So hope we can meet up!

  12. You are such an inspiration! I can't express to you enough how much I learn from you. Your devotion to your students shows in your writing. Your students are very lucky to have you!

  13. Wow!! What an exciting event! And you deserve the recognition for giving a student guidance and space to write. Congrats to you both!

  14. Hooray! Hold on to this moment. Hers is the voice you must listen to when you are at a loss over another student. I want to sign up for Creative Writing 2 in your class too! :)

  15. Awesome! You are the facilitator of the greatness. :)


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