Tuesday, May 17, 2011

If It Was Easy, They'd Call It Catching...

"Fishing: If it were easy, they'd call it catching."  Sunday, it should have been called catching...

Last fall we bought two kid-friendly fishing poles. A Dora the Explorer and a Spongebob.  Sunday, Josh took his two oldest kids down to the little dock to try them out. Grandpa went along to help. I joined them after a short while and the first thing I was greeted with, was a friend shouting, "Grandma, where's your camera. These kids are catching fish!"

Then both kids yelling, "Gramma, I got a fish."
"Gramma, I caught three fish!"

"Gramma. . ."

" Gramma. . ."

"Gramma. . ."

What's a grandma to do?  I ran down to the trailer and got my camera!

 Of course, there were a few missed fish. In typical four-year-old fashion, Tony talked to everyone around him,  touched every bluegill as it passed him on its way to the fish basket and needed multiple drinks of grape kool-aid.

"Tony, reel your line in a little bit."
"Tony, jerk your pole!"
"Tony, your bobber's under water."

He didn't get too upset. "Gramma! I almost caught that one!"

Mostly, the kids had fun. The fishing action was fast enough it kept their attention, but not so fast the adults couldn't keep up (their dad caught his own share of fish). In the end, it was a perfect afternoon of catching...


  1. Love the idea of going catching! This was a fun post to read. Your conversation really caught the feeling of fun. Looks like someone had a yummy dinner, I'm jealous.

  2. It sounds delightful. It's great you are taking the time to show the kids how to do those things that you & your husband love. I too like that catching business!

  3. This sounds like a day to remember. I hope that you will have more catching days this summer.

  4. What a perfect way to spend a sunny day. I have wonderful memories of fishing with my dad and grandpa...I'm sure that your grandchildren will share many memories as well.

  5. The happiness of the kids comes through loud and clear through your slice. Lucky kids. Lucky grandma. :)

  6. Love the pictures! Great voice. I can hear the voices of your grandkids and you in the dialogue. What a joyful slice!

  7. Ahh, this makes me look forward to summer and lake days! I love the way you are able to communicate both the moment and the differing personalities of your two grandchildren.

  8. Dude, I so want to eat all of those fish!! Yummy there is NOTHING better than FRESH fish!!!! I am so ready for summer and fishing!!!!

  9. Wow...what a great slice on a wonderful day. I loved the dialogue.


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