Sunday, March 3, 2019

{solsc} 3/31 . #sol19 Homework

I finished up subbing on Friday and told Roomie (a friend whom I shared a room with for a few years) that I needed to head to the library for a new book.

"I have a few in here, you know."

I do know. One of the things Roomie and I share is a love of books. Books of all kinds and most of them ended up in our classroom library. I kept the library when she moved out and taught Spanish for a few years. She has it now that she's back teaching English and I retired.

I haven't read much YA since I retired and thought, "Why not?" She's pulling new books out and then sees one in a basket.

"Here. Try these. They're historical fiction that use primary sources throughout the story. Takes place in the 60's. Let me know if the story itself is good!"

I take them and put them in my bag.

Homework.  I like it.


  1. Being able to share books with others is amazing. Reading homework is the BEST! (And those are wonderful choices.) Happy reading! Thanks for sharing this Slice.

  2. I thought of the Scholastic book sale I came upon on Monday..sigh...I had no self control! Sharing books is a great pleasure!

  3. Love the way you're still staying current with what the kids are reading now that you've transitioned from the classroom to subbing. You always amaze me, Deb.

  4. Thanks for sharing. I love to see fellow book lovers encouraging each other.

  5. I loved Revolution! I own Countdown...but you know about the never ending TBR pile! It's there, somewhere. Great homework assignment!

  6. “Here, read” is the best homework, and your post shows we never outgrow our need for book recommendations.

  7. I LOVE this kind of homework! I've read COUNTDOWN (and actually wrote about giving it to a student today), but don't think I knew it was part of a series. I'm going to have to hunt down REVOLUTION.

    1. Carol, Roomie told me there was a 3rd coming out!

  8. Best kind of homework! I love that you share books like that ... and keep reading. :)


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...