Saturday, March 2, 2019

{solsc} 2/31 #sol19 What's a Retired Teacher Do?

I retired from teaching in May of 2017. I wasn't really ready to give it up. Close, but I thought I had a couple more years in me. But a healthy early retirement package gave me the incentive to go.

So what does a retired English teacher do? She subs, of course. I told our high school secretary I'd be up for a couple of days a week. No PE, but I'd give everything else a try. And, boy, have I tried them all.

  • Ag
  • Manufacturing
  • Math (AP Calc, Geometry, Algebra, Consumer Econ)
  • Science  (Chemistry, Physics, Human Anatomy)
  • English (Yeah!)
The best thing about subbing? Everyone is happy to see me.  
  • Kids cheer and ask who I'm there for. Yes. I know. Kids always are happy to see a sub. They consider it a day off. 
  • Teachers are happy when they know I'm coming to their room. I'm not so far removed from the high school classroom and can handle any surprises. 
  • Administration thanks me for coming in every time. Student behaviors are handled in the classroom, for the most part.
  • Even our smiley custodian makes sure I get a cookie on the days he bakes.
It's kind of like being a rock star.

I've taken on two long term subbing positions. Last May was an emergency situation in my old position. This year I subbed in Special Ed for a friend while she was on maternity leave. I loved it. Although, parts of it were tough, being back daily was fun. 

Part of that fun, though. was knowing I was done in December :)


  1. I subbed at my children's school before I became a teacher, and teachers were always grateful when I was in their classroom. I knew the kids and they knew things would get done. Now, being on the other side, I am grateful for subs like you! I remember (and sometimes miss) the luxury of being able to say no, I can't work today!

  2. My mother-in-law retired from teaching fourth grade in June 2018. She is back in the classroom! You give me hope in my sixth year that I will not burn out and always look to serve a community of learners.

  3. Subbing seems to be a win-win-win situation for all the parties. And rock star sub teachers can have chocolate for breakfast. ;)

  4. I agree that subbing seems to be a win-win. I love it that the kids are so excited to see you! My son struggled so much on days with subs (change in routine and some subs are MEAN!), and it always meant so much to me when a regular sub could establish a relationship with him. The cookie sounds good too!

  5. I'm am sure you ARE a Rock Star in your school community. While I am not subbing, I went back for "World Read Aloud Day" and I was hugged,in every hallway and classroom (elementary school) as if I too was a Rock Star.

  6. I LOVE when I have a guest teacher like you. Glad you found a way in retirement that fills your heart and time.

  7. Something tells me you feel like a rock star because you have always been a rock star. Perhaps you're seeing it in a new way, but to be such a welcome sight for so many means you're doing it right. Congrats on being awesome, and keep giving those kids, teachers, administrators and custodians a reason to smile.

  8. It is fun to go back and be recognized. Your rock star status speaks to the success you had in the classroom! I no longer know any students, unless I happened to have taught a sibling (and I no longer sub). Grandma duties three days a week keep me hopping. But I've loved my after school book club and this year lunch time book bunch.

  9. So glad to hear you are still teaching and touching kids' lives. Teens need people like you in their lives!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...