Thursday, October 20, 2016

I Write

I write

The words flow out my fingers
at times when it seems
will understand them.
I keep them private
Just for me.

I write

The words flow out my fingers
to celebrate the moments of my life
That I never want to forget and I
them with the world
Or at least my blog readers

I write

The words flow out my fingers
to convince a student their
their life matters
and they need to share it
With someone.

I write

At times it has felt that the words left me
No longer wanted to be shared
They are in my head
But they won't flow from my fingers

I let them go for awhile

But now
I force it
Because my head isn't going
to tell
My fingers what to do

I write

1 comment:

  1. I love how you captured the experience of writing in different ways, for different reasons, for different audiences! So, so glad you are writing for us again! :-)


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