Saturday, October 15, 2016


Discover. Play. Build.

Here I sit, on the first weekend of no lake time, wrapped in a blanket, drinking coffee and very content.  As much as I will miss the lake later this winter, today, it is comforting to be nesting and enjoying home today.  I have time to clean and and grade some papers, to watch football and grade some papers, nap and grade some papers, binge watch something and grade some papers.  You're seeing a theme here, right?  It's the end of first quarter next Friday, so grading papers will be top priority.

I tried something new for me this week--I created learning stations for editing and revising in my Creative Writing classes (Shout out to two of our Instructional Coaches for letting me talk out what I wanted to do and for checking in with my kids while I was gone the first day).  They seem to be working well for most kids. I mini-conferenced with them all on the second day and most seem to like knowing exactly what I wanted them to do. And the checklist--they loved the checklist.  I'll be writing a blog post about this process later in the week. So if you want to know more about this, check back!

This was Demonstration Speech week in Speech classes. Holy Cow. Some kids blew me away.  One of my "at-risk" kids demonstrated how to create glass objects to use for jewelry, etc.  He had the entire class mesmerized. Never underestimate the power of a student's passion!

Well, it's time to start grading some of those papers. Hope all of you had a week full of celebrations!


  1. Oh my....the papers! I can totally relate!!

  2. I hope that you get to spend more time resting and less time grading this weekend.

  3. Love hearing about the demo speeches. I used to do them, too, and even in middle school, they were terrific, and let students show their passions, too. Love that glass blowing. Ah, the papers. I know that helped me learn to read faster! Enjoy nesting among the papers, Deb.

  4. How great that students can share something they love and their classmates see them in a new light. I remember one shy fourth grade girl who created masterpieces of papel picado.

    Hope you are caught up on the grading for awhile!

  5. How great that students can share something they love and their classmates see them in a new light. I remember one shy fourth grade girl who created masterpieces of papel picado.

    Hope you are caught up on the grading for awhile!

  6. Our grading period ended last week, so I completely understand the grading thing! I would love to hear more about your stations. I have been toying with this, but nothing concrete yet. I will definitely check back!

  7. I can't wait to hear more! I love watching how your teaching grows along with your thinking each year--and that even as your teaching changes and grows, there is this one constant: the way you connect with students.

  8. The grading theme . . . so glad you interspersed some fun with the return to papers. Looking forward to hearing more about your revising and editing stations. Hope you're finished with grading by now and just enjoying some nesting time.

  9. Have fun grading, Deb! I love that you set up literacy work stations dedicated to the craft of revision. Have you read Debbie Diller's books on work stations? Your student seems very interested in improving her craft. Good to have you back in the community writing away.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...