Friday, July 31, 2015

Celebrating Summer: Part 1

Discover. Play. Build.
I'm back celebrating on Saturdays! You should dust off your blog and join the celebration, too!

I think I've enjoyed this summer more than most in recent memory. I quit telling myself what I should do and just enjoyed things as they happened. It meant less writing, less reading, less online connecting, but I sure have had a good time! I also took LOTS of pictures....

Here's what I celebrated in June...

My first two weeks of summer break found me reading and sleeping, with a little golf thrown in for good measure.  Our sons and their families were frequent visitors, so we got lots of time with the six grandkids.

After a couple of weeks of relaxation, it was time for a little work (and fun). Roomie, ArtTeach and I presented our flipped classrooms at the Iowa Technology conference.  We worried that no one would come. It was standing room only.  We worried we weren't giving people what they wanted. Several stayed after our presentation to ask questions. We need to quit worrying :)

A trip to Door County, Wisconsin highlighted June.  We traveled with my husband's sister and her husband (our Hawaii traveling companions). Our home base was Sturgeon Bay and we explored each day from there.  We visited lighthouses, wineries, restaurants, etc.  So fun!

We did have a severe storm this summer that reminded all of us to be thankful and celebrate each day.  Underneath this huge tree is the remains of our friend's mobile home at the south end of our resort.  Really. There's a mobile home there.  The little green trailer on the left escaped, but the mobile home, a camper in front of it and a car were totaled as a couple of old large cottonwood trees blew over during some 90 mph winds.  The scariest part of this, is it happened early in the morning and people were in those trailers.  Their guardian angels were watching over them and woke them in time to  move before the trees fell. No one was hurt!

So many things to celebrate, Chloe, grandkids, family and friends, concerts, quiet moments, observing nature.....

I'll be back tomorrow with a little about July!


  1. I hope the flipped classroom is still going well. Love that you took it easy during the summer. You are so busy in the school year! It's great that you have such nice traveling companions-makes the trips that much more wonderful! And so glad your neighbors got out of those trailers okay-scary storms earlier this summer! Have a happy final days before school, Deb.

  2. Glad people are ok in the. Trailers. Wonderful that your presentation went well! Summer has been fun this year!

  3. I celebrate with you today for colleagues, lighthouses, summer rest, and safety from storms.

  4. I've always loved doing presentations for teachers in the past, but the first time I presented at a conference was at the beginning of this summer: it was at a county wide technology conference, and I was terrified! I think there's definitely something different about presenting to teachers you don't know! Good for you!

  5. I love how you embraced summer without a lot of expectations. I go back to school this week and am feeling a pang of guilt about what didn't get done. Taking your post to heart, I am going to let go of that guilt.

  6. So glad you had a great summer! I love the pics. Best of luck as you head back soon to the classroom. Love the signatures from your awesome group of visitors!

  7. June sounds like it was great - travel, sharing you knowledge, golf. Can't wait to read about July. Scarier picture - glad those people were able to get out in time.

  8. Deb, the best advice you had for yourself was to just enjoy life. The story of the storm reminded me that there is a plan called God's plan that we humans need to remember. I am glad that the storm did not harm your friends. Material possessions can be replaced as Long Islanders found out during Superstorm Sandy. If you are inclined to creatively use your photographs please see the invitation to my newest gallery, Summer Splashings that can be found at


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