Saturday, June 13, 2015

Celebrating The Lazy Days of Summer

Discover. Play. Build.

I've been done with school since the 28th of May.

TWO weeks already.

I haven't written
I haven't started planning for next year
I haven't thought about students
I haven't even thought about my presentation at a conference next week (YIKES)
And I really haven't accomplished much of anything.

I've spent them at the lake, surrounded by friends and family, and enjoying every minute of it.

And food, of course, always lots of food

I've taken time to notice the beauty around me

And the ways of nature (who knew turtle could move so fast?)

I've read THREE adult books! I may have to do a little review of two of them, but trust me on Stephen King's new trilogy (Mr. Mercedes and Finder's Keepers are the first two). This is not horror fiction, more detective/crime novels and truly good reads.

And I promised myself all of this on that last day. Because I felt out of BALANCE, you see. Those last weeks of school are crazy and I had to let it take over. It seemed only fair that I let the teeter totter fall to the other side for awhile.

But now I am back. Ready to learn and plan this summer, ready to take off at a moments notice and enjoy myself and my family and friends, ready for anything.

But first, I better take a look at that presentation---we present on Tuesday!


  1. You have had some rest. Rest is good and neccessary. You will get the presentation ready. No doubt in this.

  2. Finding balance is so difficult! Looks like you've done a great job of relaxing and enjoying life beyond the walls of school. Good luck with your presentation, but we will miss you on Friday.

  3. Stephen King is a wonderful writer, so glad you got to read those books, Deb, & get to the lake. I always love seeing what's going on there. Happy Summer!

  4. It is always lovely for me to find you back at the lake each summer! I just got out of school yesterday so I look forward to your kind of relaxing. I am sure the presentation will flow now that balance has been restored! Enjoy!

  5. Your first two weeks sound heavenly!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...