Saturday, January 24, 2015

Celebrating Speech and the Alumni

Discover. Play. Build.

I started a poem on the bus to contest today, thinking it would be my celebration. It was cozy and warm and full of love for my speech kids.

We had a great day. Good performances. Half of the groups are moving on to state competition.

Great day.

As always, I posted pictures on our Facebook page

When we first started the Facebook page, it was private and only the current students could join it. Once they graduated, I would delete them.

And then I quit that. I decided to leave graduates part of the group because, really, they are still part of us. They are our foundation. And I like that they will post comments supporting those who are still there even if they don't know who some of them are.

And tonight, as I was sitting here telling my husband what a great day we had and how much I love my speech kids. And how proud of them I am. And all the great moments we had. I received this Facebook message from an alumni

I cried. 

Honestly, as I write this, I still am.

Because as teachers, we always want to know that we made a difference. That we mattered. 

And this message from alumni proves that, somehow, I did. I mattered.

How can I not celebrate that?


  1. Wow, there is no better accolade than to know that what we do today has ripple effects into the future! Yes, you DO matter.

  2. It is like a big hug. You know you're a good, kind & special teacher, so smart & helpful, and on! But to hear this after some time is the best. I'm glad you shared, happy for you!

  3. Yay! It is little gems like that that keep us going as a teacher! There are days that I wonder if I am doing anything right and then something like this comes along! Congrats!


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