Saturday, November 22, 2014

Celebrating the Best Monday Ever...

And the rest of the week wasn't so bad, either....

Discover. Play. Build.
Celebrate with us!
I was out of the classroom both Thursday and Friday last week. And you know how it goes when you are gone for a couple of days. Kids can think the rules  expectations are gone too. So I was a little apprehensive heading to school Monday morning.

Imagine my glee when I read the note from my sub telling me how he liked my room and how kids handle the freedom. 

What a great way to start a Monday.  It proved that kids can be independent learners. That they can handle the freedom my room allows, even when I'm not there. Did all of them get lots of work done? Nope. But most of them did. Some of them watched videos on their computers and spent a lot of time on Facebook. They talked and messed around JUST LIKE THEY DO WHEN I AM THERE. But they know when the work is due and will have to get it done on their own time. 

Then, second hour Monday, at the beginning of Creative Writing, a senior girl asked me to find her a book to read. Her words, "Do you have a book I could read? I feel stupider because I haven't been reading." 

Do I have a book????? 

Really? Do I have a book you can read?  

So, I started grabbing books off the shelves. I'm sure she was thinking to herself I only want one, but I handed her a pile to choose from. 

And then a funny, amazing, wonderful, thing happened. The other girls at her table started looking at the books. And the boys in the back of the room said, "Yea. Will you find me one too?" And other kids in the room shared, "Ooo. That's a good one. I read it last year." And before I knew it, books were flying off the shelves. 

And it didn't end. 

At the beginning of the next class, a senior who I don't even have in class this semester came to see me. Her request? To find her a book. 

I am getting daily updates from her on her reading. 

She doesn't have to do a book project or a reading log or even tell me about it. 
She's just reading.
And isn't that the point?

And the rest of the week also was worth celebrating
  • Monday and Thursday nights were Parent-Teacher conferences
  • Genius Time with my #Crazy8s
  • MacBeth performances in College Prep Lit
  • Funny speeches from kids who don't think they are funny
  • A parent finding me Thursday night to ask if I would contact their child about being in speech
  • Chloe cuddles
  • A husband who cooks and plans dinners
  • A restful weekend at home


  1. My smile grew with each turn of event from your week. What a way to start a week and grow each day!

  2. It seems you've really become the reading 'go-to' person, Deb. How great for you to be able to share all you know, & how great for the students! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Music to your ears - Give me a book! The magic moments of school life are pleasure to read to any teacher.

  4. You have such reasons to celebrate! I loved the book story. What a wonderful moment. Your list is full of great things, too. Especially a husband who cooks and plans dinners! ;-)

  5. Deb, what a wonderful week you had. You must have been beaming when the book frenzy finally hit off. It is so amazing to see a child who usually is not interested in reading, get book fever. I was at NCTE 14 having an amazing time so my blog post is a quick one. I just got home at dinnertime.


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...