Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Travels With Chloe

Guess what everyone???? I get to go on vacation with Mom and Dad!!! You know, they left me home when they went to Hawaii, which really wasn't fair. I got to stay at Teddy's house, but still, I love water and sun. Sure wish I could have gone along.....

Anyway, they decided last week to go to some place called South Dakota and see some mountain. They decided they would take me with them!  First, they had to find  a place that would let me stay there. I just don't understand why I am such a big deal, but it must be.  

We left yesterday morning. I love riding in our new car because there is lots of room for me to stretch out and even move around a little.  I didn't know, though, that we were going to be in the car FOREVER!  We did make a couple of stops so I could get out and walk around a little bit, but WOW.  It was a long drive!

Finally, we got to where we were going to stay. It's kind of weird. There are 2 beds and not a lot of room.  And the smells!  Lots of dogs and kids and people smells everywhere. It's going to take me a long time to figure this place out. But, at least Mom packed my bed so I can sleep comfy! (I did sneak up on the bed when she fell asleep though.)

Well, I've got to go for now.  We going to go to some big park today and do a little sight-seeing. I bet I'll have lots to write about tomorrow!


  1. I hope you enjoy your trip, Chloe!

  2. Chloe, good to hear from you. New places are challenging, but enjoy the sightseeing today!

  3. I love how Chloe wrote this. I think I need to share this with my 8th grade classroom when school starts. What a hoot!

  4. Chloe, you lucky dog! Enjoy all the new sights, sounds, and smells!

  5. Have a great time and enjoy those new smells!

  6. Lucky you got to go along in that new car, Chloe!

  7. Such a long drive and so little space. But, at least this time, you were able to go with Mom & Dad. Enjoy the new sights and smells and taking care of Mom & Dad.

  8. Glad you are having fun, Chloe! I know dogs hate missing out on trips all the time!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

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