Saturday, July 12, 2014

Happy Saturday Celebrations!

Discover. Play. Build.
Ruth Ayres has created a wonderful spot for sharing moments from your week. She even has  a page to give you all the details you need to know about sharing your own celebrations. So head  on over and see what everyone else is celebrating. 

 Happy Saturday!

I know I haven't been around much lately, but that doesn't mean I'm not celebrating.  Summer has been jam packed with new learning situations, lots of reading, and time spent with friends and family.

This week I am celebrating

Rainy days:  Although I love the sunshine of summer, once in awhile, rainy days are great reminders to slow down, read a little, write a little, talk a little.  Today looks to be one of those days.  Hoping I can finish Doctor Sleep by Stephen King (the sequel to The Shining).  It's a great sequel, but my husband will go home for a couple of days and I don't want to be reading it when I am at the lake alone :)

As always, I celebrate family.  We went and picked up my mom a couple of weeks ago and brought her to the lake for a short visit. The trailer we now own was hers previously, so she likes getting back up here for a visit.

Our oldest son and his family packed up and moved to a town just south of where we are at. They can now just run up for an afternoon if they want, not have to plan and pack for several days. They both found jobs before they even had housing or daycare, so things were a little tense for awhile, but now all is good. Our youngest son is also here, so now it's just us that needs to make the move.  

Lifelong Learning My husband keeps asking me when I'm going to be off of school time. I just laugh and remind him that I am never really "off". I've been to two conferences, I read Thrive and am now reading Reading in the Wild and participating in #CyberPD.  My mind keeps swimming in ideas. My notebooks are full of things I'd like to try next year.  Now I just have to find a way to organize my thoughts!

And finally, the gift of time. No bells, no schedules, no to-do lists (well, at least not deadlined to-do lists). Sleeping past 6:00am, an afternoon nap if I want, later dinners, long conversations with friends, wine at sunset. Summer is definitely time to recharge my batteries and get ready for the craziness of a new school year.  


  1. I love rainy days too--and they're usually in short supply during a South Dakota summer, which makes them even more precious. We had a long soaking rain last night that was wonderful. My mind is also full of ideas for things I want to try in my classes next year. I wish I had a better organization system!

  2. You have been missed! But also so busy! Summer is a well needed break from the ins and outs of daily school life. You will be recharged and ready to return.

  3. Enjoyed reading about the many ways you are recharging this summer! Enjoy!

  4. Great celebrations - so fun that you have more family living closer. Love that you're celebrating lifelong learning. I love that this community shares that interest together. Happy summer, keep enjoying the time to slow down!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...