Tuesday, March 25, 2014

25/31 100 Words, 100 Days

I  joined in on #engchat last night because Kelly Gallagher and Penny Kittle were hosting (seriously. I was in teacher of writer's heaven).  It was a great conversation.

There was talk of how teachers share writing. Lots of us write with and in front of our students. There were also a couple of shout outs for Two Writing Teachers!

At one point, Kelly Gallagher asked what percentage of English teachers we thought wrote.

Based on my department of four, I said 25%. Many of the participants guessed lower than I did.

That still shocks me.

At some point, someone said they and their students were doing a 100 words in 100 days challenge.  Kittle liked it. She thought everyone participating in the chat should commit to the challenge.

And, at the end of the chat, Meenoo Rami tweeted

So, of course, with those three supporting it, I committed myself to it. Much easier than NaNoWriMo, which I have failed at each time I've tried.

100 Words, 100 Days.

I can let off fireworks when I'm done!  I don't know if I'll share every day, but I'm going to write every day. 100 words seems doable, don't you think?  


  1. Are we crazy? I've been counting down for the end of the month, but something about just 100 words a day is enticing. s it okay to count other posts as part of the 100 words challenge? I'm definitely considering it.

  2. Yep-go for it, Deb. My big challenge in April is poetry, but hope you'll share sometimes. Sorry I missed the chat!

  3. I have missed too many good chats by going to bed early! I might try that challenge! Like you, not posting everyday, but keeping the writing going!

  4. Wow. Go girl! Write, write, write - you can do it!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...