The thing is, I didn't know I wanted to go to Hawaii.
My grandpa used to tell us that everyone should go to Hawaii at least once in their lives. I thought that was sweet, but I didn't know I wanted to go.
When my sister-in-law and her husband called and asked if we wanted to go with them, I said yes. I was excited about it, but I didn't know I wanted to.
We planned and saved for two years. We had mid-winter get togethers with computers and books and recommendations from friends. But I still didn't know....
And then we landed.....
And suddenly, I knew I wanted to go to Hawaii.
I was so excited at the airport!
Did you know that just about everything in Hawaii is open air? Even the airport? There might be roofs on buildings, but there are big open windows so you can feel the air as you walk....
Since we went through a travel agency, we were met at the airport by Curtis, our representative. He gave us our leis, took our picture, helped us with luggage and finding our shuttle.
Note to self: always use a travel agency when booking a big trip. Even the ride to our hotel was magical. Everywhere we looked there were flowers and palm trees. And it was warm!
Chilly to Hawaiians, though. Cool is relative.
We stayed at
Outrigger on the Beach on Waikiki which was beautiful. They were all decked out in their holiday finest.
It was hard to remember it was Christmas. The first night, we dumped our baggage in the room
well, the bellmen did and we headed to get something to eat. It had been a long day and the breakfast Greg and I ate in snowy Des Moines was long gone.
Luckily, the hotel had two great restaurants to choose from. We chose the Hula Grill based on the fact we didn't have to wait an hour to get a table! The first meal started a tradition--Mahi Mahi and Mai Tais. You can't get more Hawaiian than that!
I am not a fish eater--heck, I'm not a very adventurous eater. I tried many things in Hawaii that I would not have eaten at home.
We were only on Oahu for a couple of days, so we didn't expect this when we work up in the morning and headed out to the lanai for coffee my favorite part of every day in Hawaii: coffee on the lanai. Sounds exotic, doesn't it? WE COULD SEE THE OCEAN FROM THE LANAI! I know, not a lot, but we were happy just to see a peek.....
My number 1 rule when traveling is DON'T DO THE TIMESHARE MEAL. Greg's rule is DO the timeshare meal. He won.
But this was just supposed to be to let us know about activities on Oahu.
And it was....kind of....
And the breakfast was free...and cold
But we did eat an orchid.... I felt like Euell Gibbons, former Grape Nuts spokesman, "Many parts are edible...."
And we did get our tickets for Pearl worth it.....
to be continued
The view from 3/4 of the way up Diamondhead. |