Tuesday, September 24, 2013

To My Kindred Spirits

This blog post is the result of several conversations I've had on Twitter the last three days (#iaedchat, #flipclass and #tlap started them all) and a surprise gift in the mail yesterday. All of these events made me realized how lucky I am to have surrounded myself with some of the best minds in education.

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It wasn't that long ago that I felt like a cheesy sit-com teacher because I always tried to see the best in my students, I wanted the best for my students, and I gave my best to my students. Aside from a few like minded teachers,  real life didn't seem that way. I wondered if I cared too much. It was hard work to stay positive and do what I knew in my heart was best for my kids.

And then, I met all of you--my blogging buddies and Twitter tweeps.

My PLN--another "cheesy" term, according to some. Made me an "overachiever" to others (and why is that a bad thing?).


The more I listen, the more I learn, the more I engage,
the more I see that the "real teachers" are just like me.

You see the best in your students.
You want the best for your students.
You give the best to your students.
You are cheesy and gushy over how much you love your job and your kids.

You give virtual high fives to celebrate and  hugs when they are needed.
You share your hopes and fears and yes, even lesson plans.
You understand the struggles because you are going through them too.
You cheer at the successes because who doesn't need a standing ovation once in awhile.

So, to all of you, a simple thank-you. The conversations I experience on a daily basis are the things that inspire me to improve. My life is so much richer because of all of you--my kindred spirits.


  1. i feel like I have so many children, and I truly delight in hearing about what they've done in their lives! And any time I meet a teacher, I feel like I've met a relative or a close friend....as you say - a kindred spirit. Pretty special!

  2. What a beautiful thing for me to be a kindred spirit to you, Deb. I am so honored. xo

  3. Aww...I feel exactly the same way about this writing community, Deb.

  4. Aww...I feel exactly the same way about this writing community, Deb.

  5. Aww...I feel exactly the same way about this writing community, Deb.

  6. I am reading a book titled Mentoring 101. It is about mentoring others to be their best. I never really thought about the mentors that I have found through this writing community. But although I have never met any of them, they are truly mentors!

  7. Even though I'm not a teacher by occupation, I find this writing community to be such and inspiration. Y'all make me feel at home here and yes, a kindred spirit with you. Thanks, Deb, you are truly amazing.

  8. Isn't it fun to hang out with everyone? I hope (someday) to understand how to work this Twitter thing, but until then I love checking in to your world every week.

  9. Isn't it fun to hang out with everyone? I hope (someday) to understand how to work this Twitter thing, but until then I love checking in to your world every week.

  10. I feel so inspired by this PLN that I write every week...even when I am busy and have to post the night before to make sure I do! I feel inspired like never before in my career. THANK YOU and this PLN

  11. What a great tribute, Deb! I agree wholeheartedly! Some weeks, my PLN is all that keeps me going! I wonder what it would be like if most teachers were connected and committed to learning and sharing... and how long it will take before that happens!

  12. The strength and kindness of this community is so nourishing. Yes.

  13. Yes, yes, yes! Validation is no small gift. Inspiration is even better. This community provides both. I feel lucky to know you and to be part of your PLN. (So thankful I wasn't "catfished"---a term I learned from your students, and [btw] now I am hooked [no pun intended] on the MTV show)

  14. Thank you Deb-same here. I am working toward that sharing at school, believe it's so critical to open up and tell others what's going on, what works and what isn't-trying to figure out why-sharing, sharing. Your work, and so many others, have inspired me, and heartened me to see that wonderful teachers are here, waiting to talk! Terrific things you've said!

  15. It's hard alone. Community - even virtual- can give the strength to get through the hard times and inspiration to fly higher. Your honest and spirited thank you touched me.

  16. We need this for sure - this hand-picked PLN that we wish we could teach with "in real life" every day right next door. Heartfelt post that we can all resonate with on many levels.

    {Thanks for your comment too.}

  17. Oh I am so glad to read this. You've described my cohort to a T - and they are amazing teachers - cheesy as it sounds.


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