Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Great Thing About Seniors

Join me at Two Writing Teachers every Tuesday
for the Slice of Life with Ruth and Stacey!

We met with our homerooms on Friday for a short time. One of those days where information needs to be handed out and gathered. Homeroom tends to be the easiest way to do that. In our district, you start with a homeroom when they enter as freshmen and keep them until they graduate. It's easy to build relationships with them this way. This year, my kids are seniors.

It didn't take long for me to take care of business and there was quite a bit of time left before they could move on to the assembly. As freshmen and sophomores---maybe even juniors, they would have whined about this, tried to sneak off, or some would have gotten downright belligerent. 

But as Seniors, all they wanted to know was if they could hang out outside my room in the little space where I keep my comfy chairs. So that's what they did. Hung out. And laughed. And sang along to youtube videos. And laughed some more. "You know you'll miss us Mrs. Day," they kept telling me. 

And I will miss them. Because next year, I will have freshmen again....

And, yes. This is a senior boy.


  1. Ah yes, you have captured the greatness of senior who in just 11 months and 25 days will be turned into cowardly freshman once again. It's like that in life. You get to the top of the pile and the...................

  2. Love those seniors. Just 8th graders in large sized bodies :)

  3. It is fun to watch seniors becoming more confident in who they are and who they want to be....even if it is someone "standing on their heads/shoulders."

  4. Love to watch kids grow into adults--losing their awkwardness and finding themselves. Love the comfort you have with them.

  5. Love to watch kids grow into adults--losing their awkwardness and finding themselves. Love the comfort you have with them.

  6. Aw-w-just really sweet & fun & let them be kids for a while longer, Deb-so good!

  7. Special! Love the comfy chairs and the opportunity to relax while building relationships. MH

  8. Hanging out shows what comfort they have with you. That's a special bond you have built over the years. Awesome!

  9. The thing I love most about this slice is you captured it because they are special. And, it shows how special you are too. Hugs, Ruth

  10. The thing I love most about this slice is you captured it because they are special. And, it shows how special you are too. Hugs, Ruth

    1. Thanks Ruth, and thanks for linking to my blog. Made my day

  11. I love this idea of homeroom for the 4 years of HS! Whoever thought of that was genius! A great way to bond and build relationships. Important for you all!

    1. It is awesome. You really do build relationships with those kids


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