Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Reminder

Most of you probably don't know, that Greg and I have six grandkids. And that is because I don't write about three of them very often. Not because we aren't in their life, not because we don't love them as much as the others.

I don't write about them because of a scary person in their life. Someone we try to keep from them.

So, no pics online, no names, nothing. The school, the teacher, family, we all know the rules.

But last week, a local newspaper placed a picture of one of them on the front page of the paper (and of course online), complete with first and last name, age, grade and school.

Anyone can now find them.  Including the scary person. All because the newspaper didn't think to get permission before printing a photo.

So I'm writing this to remind everyone to get permission before you post pictures, student work, videos etc. anywhere online. It might seem like an insignificant thing to you. But to the family asking you not to post those pictures, etc, it's important, and it doesn't matter what their reason is.


  1. Getting a permission and respecting privacy of people is not an insignificant thing. For your family it is a matter of safety. I wish wish wish that the published picture will not bring the scary person around.

  2. This is a slice of life that you have protected. It is a shame that media did not follow protocol for privacy. I will pray that your family remains safe. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry Deb. We are vigilant at my school about this, have had a number of families who insist (for various reasons) no publishing of names or pics. How irresponsible of this paper. I actually hope you can do something like file a complaint against them through the FCC. I hope things will be okay for your grandchildren.

  4. Great reminders! We have to protect our kids!

  5. Great reminders! We have to protect our kids!

  6. This one thing that I truly worry about with all the social media and the lack of actually thinking before posting a picture. I hope and pray that your family is safe and that the paper has learned a lesson.

  7. Such an important reminder, Deb. I hope the monster does not find them. You are much too young and far to beautiful to worry about the safety of six, but I will keep them in my prayers.

  8. Wow. I can't believe a newspaper would act in such a ridiculous way. (This is why I specifically sent home unique permissions slips today when I found out that a local reporter wants to do an article about a project my classes are involved in, even though our school already collects do-not-release information.) I hope everything stays ok for your precious grandchildren!

  9. I appreciate this important reminder. We need to protect.

  10. Thanks for this post and reminder- I think this is something that is extremely easy to forget as it gets easier and easier to share things w/ social media. And while I am thankful that it doesn't occur to most people that there are really awful, scary people out there b/c it means most people have never had to deal w/ a truly terrifying person, it can lead to inadvertent harm. My thoughts and prayers will be with your family.

  11. Thanks for turning your experience into a powerful reminder for the rest of us. You may have saved some other student by doing this. I wish it could somehow fix things for your grandchild at the same time.


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