Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Chloe Writes: I am a Rock-Star

Join me and my mom at Two Writing Teachers for the weekly
Slice of Life posts!

I'm pretty famous you know. Here at the lake I can't go anywhere without people wanting to talk to me and pet me. There are other dogs around, but I'm pretty much the favorite.

I love it.

Mom and Dad have been taking me with them this summer when they go visit our friends. I even get to stay for awhile!  Everyone says what a good dog I am. I could have told them that, of course, but I think they should figure it out for themselves. Mom sometimes wants to take me home, but they make her let me stay. It's kind of boring 'cause they just talk about golf and stuff, but at least I get to be outside.

One of my favorite things, though, is every week there are new kids to play with. Sometimes they get a little scared of me. I have to remember not to bark and not to jump. It's hard 'cause I'm just so excited to make new friends and see some old ones. There are some cute babies here this week, so I have to practice being really good and maybe they will get to come and pet me. I love babies, they smell so good....well, most of the time.

This week there are some old friends here too. They were pretty happy to see me Sunday night. Dad was taking me for a "walk and talk" (That's what Mom calls them. She says we don't get much walking done). All of sudden, my friends came running to us yelling, "Chloe! There's Chloe!" Dad was kind of surprised because he isn't here all the time, but he was OK with it and let them pet me for awhile.

Well, it's time for me and Mom to go for a walk. I hope we go past the beach today, so I can see my friends!

See you next time!



  1. Sounds like you are having a great summer Chloe! It is a good feeling being a "rock star" take full advantage if it! ;-)

  2. Oh, Chloe, I am sure you are the favorite. Enjoy the rest of your summer...I hope you made it to the beach today! I love it there too!

    Great lesson on point of view!

  3. Happy to hear things are going great for you Chloe, and that you and Deb are having fun doing your 'walk and talk'! Sounds like the lake is the place to be!

  4. I've missed you Chloe, but it sounds like you have been keeping really busy taking care of Mom at the beach. Max had a really good time with the girls, although they were scared of him at first - they didn't like his barking or letting him lay down under the table waiting for something to drop. But now when we Skype, the first thing they want to know if "where's Max?" I guess its safer being on the other side of the computer! Have a fun rest of the summer.

  5. Chloe, living the life! Enjoy! Keep in mind: More wag. Less bark. (Bumper sticker I saw and thought it was good advice.) =)

    1. As a cat lover I can't resist adding the rest of this bumper sticker - More purr. Less hiss. I hadn't seen this sticker until this past week. So cute!

  6. Chloe is so cute! I'm glad she is trying "to remember not to bark and not to jump", because I'm still scared of jumping dogs, even when they're as nice as I know Chloe is!

    1. She's working really hard at it, Jenn, but sometimes she's just so excited to see people she just can't help it. Then she does kind of a half sit at their feet with her wholle butt wagging...

  7. Fun to look at life from a new perspective.

  8. Chloe - you are one lucky dog! You are just so cute and also so well loved! No wonder you get excited from time to time. I am happy you are having such a wonderful summer!


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