Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wise Words

"Dare to write the imperfect page."

I've been reading a lot of writing blogs and writing texts this week. My favorite right now is Spilling Ink: A Young Writer's Handbook   by Anne Mazer and Ellen Potter. I love this book. It really is written for kids who love to write, but I am finding it great for myself also (by the way, the web site/blog is pretty awesome too!)

As I am reading this morning and wondering what to blog about, I come across these words,

"Dare to write the imperfect page."

Hmm. How did they know that I agonize over each and every paragraph, sentence, word, comma, period...How did they know that I have unpublished drafts, heck, UNWRITTEN drafts, that I just don't think are worthy? Worthy of what?  My friends?  They don't judge. My blogging friends? They really don't judge.  Myself? There's the problem.

I judge.

"Dare to write the imperfect page."

Maybe I need to reword the quote

Dare to be imperfect.

There. Let those be my words to live by for awhile...


  1. Love your thinking and yes, it's so true! I may have to borrow this motto too! We are always the hardest on ourselves, and that is okay because it pushes us forward. Yet, we can also hold ourselves back by not taking risks or worrying about imperfection (or worrying about a silly little comma!). I'm living this dream: Dare to be imperfect. Thanks for your thoughts and words of wisdom!

  2. Good words for everyone, Deb. Best wishes in your writing! I love the Spilling Ink book, too. It's full of good ideas for us teachers and writers.

  3. I have had the luxury of poking around at different stuff in blogs lately, and have found so many interesting pieces about all sorts of things. I've been sampling different writings, and while inspiring, they are also scary. Many are so good, that I get intimidated. Must remember to dare to be imperfect. THAT is not an easy thing for me to do AT ALL. Sloughing off chains is tough.


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