Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Smiley Face

amazon boxphoto © 2008 hirotomo t | more info (via: Wylio)

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of a little brown box of happiness at my front door steps.  I love finding the Amazon smiley face looking up at me from the step inside my door.  It feels like Christmas  morning when you are a kid.


My book club chose a book at the last "meeting" that I had been looking at anyway. I love that!

And I love my book club. Sometimes I have to skip a month. Sometimes I don't even get the book read, but I go anyway. I still get something out the book just from the discussions. Plus, the wine and treats are always good and the conversations with fellow teachers are revitalizing.


The smiley face box is here a day early!  Must Go!  There's a new friend to meet.

PS. We're reading Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin. Check it out. Promises to be a good one.


  1. Hi Deb,
    I just downloaded Crooked Letter to my iPad. I love Amazon too but most of my packages arrive without the smile, instantly.
    No, I haven't given up books. I love them but I increase my library now online mostly. But in my book club I'm the only traitor.
    Bravo to books and book clubs!
    What else have you read and loved?

  2. Boxes from Amazon are my favorite type of mail! So glad you included the title. I just checked my library, 23 holds are ahead of me. Must be a good one.

  3. BK--I thought about downloading it on to my ipod, but it sounded like one that my mom, my daughters-in-law and several students would like, so I opted for the hard copy.

    The last book I read that I really liked was Matched by Aly (?) Condie. Really good young adult novel. I have also liked The Thirteenth Tale, and The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox.

  4. I need a book club!

    Amazon is so much fun. I ordered books for my soon-to-be-born nephew with the hope that he too will learn to think of Amazon packages as "Christmas morning" exciting!

  5. Most of my Amazon packages have childrens books in them. I, like many others, now download my books. I do know what you mean about the feeling of having the package arrive...it is a bit like getting a present even if I did order it.

  6. I share your love of books and Amazon - though I am a recent Traitor as well - a friend convinced me to get a Nook because we can loan each other our books! To be honest, until your description with the accompanying photo, I'd never noticed the smile! Thanks for making my day!

  7. Love the Amazon packages and my pile of receipts are proof of this passion. Gathering up my paperwork to complete our taxes.

  8. You hit it on the nose! (Or smiley face..) What a thrill when that new book arrives! Even though you ordered it, it's still a little thrill!

  9. You won't believe this, but even after ten or more years of ordering from Amazon, I NEVER knew that was a flipping smiley-face!!! haha!!

  10. Brown boxes and envelopes. Yeah! I got 2 in one day from various places.

    Alotalot - I want a book club too.


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