Friday, October 23, 2020

I Should



Seems to be the word of the day. And there are lots of "should do's " on my list
  • I should eat better
  • I should walk more
  • I should clean my house
  • I should call friends and family more
  • I should, I should, I should
But sometimes, all those "should do's" make me feel inadequate. And who needs to feel like that?

So I'm making a new list! I should...
  • listen to more music
  • dance in the dining room
  • eat a piece of chocolate every day
  • only read books that make me happy
  • play with Chloe in the yard
  • take a bubble bath
  • buy a new notebook
  • bake when I feel like it (and then give it away)
  • watch Hallmark movies without guilt
  • take a walk with no destination or motive
  • sit outside and watch the neighborhood
  • order takeout
  • eat ice cream 
  • buy flowers (or plants) for me
What's on your "should do" list? Maybe I can add it to mine!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

A Lesson in Patience


This long-legged dinosaur-like bird glides into view, landing gently in the shallows of the lake.

Picking her feet up gently and walking through the water, watching, always watching, for an unsuspecting bite.

She stands patiently, oh so patiently, (much more patient than I who watch her)  for an unsuspecting bite.

And then quickly, throws her beak in the water, then lifts her head to the sky, and swallows.

One bite. That's it. Then the whole thing starts again.


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Between a Rock and a Hard Place


In the sand, between the wave smoothed rocks, through the seaweed cemented in the cracks, a small tomato plant peeked through.

It shouldn't be there.

It shouldn't survive.

But left unattended, it does.

Inching its way towards sunlight, it is watered by the waves splashing against the shore.

Unseen by most, forgotten by me, it blossoms.

And then, those blossoms turn to fruit. And one day, those small bites are brightly shining against the rocks, waiting to be appreciated.

10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...