Friday, December 30, 2016

One Little Word

I wasn't really thinking of my One Little Word, but I knew one day it would find me. It always does.

This week, I was on Twitter and someone posted something about OLW. I thought back through my past words (Connect, JOY, Aloha, Balance and Moments) and how they move through my life, even now.

But that's not when it showed up. Not really.

My OLW has been following me around for awhile, always present, just waiting for me to notice it, embrace it. My OLW wanted me to think it I chose it instead of it choosing me.

And, one day, in my wanderings and musings, it screamed at me....


I will turn 60 in March and like it or not, I am at the end of my teaching career. This year, my school district is considering offering an early retirement plan, and if they do, I'll take it. And while at first I was excited, I'm also wondering what this new part of my life will bring. Who am I, if not Mrs. Day?  


Who am I?

So, whether I retire or not, this will be a year to DISCOVER who I am and what I love. 

Join me.

It's going to be an adventure.


  1. Oh I will so enjoy discovering with you!!

  2. What an adventure 2017 will be! Here's to wonderful discoveries.

  3. There will be lots to discover in these years of retirement. You will always be Mrs.Day inside - but you will be adding more elements to her! I wish you the best discoveries in 2017!

  4. It's funny how our pins "gave away" our words. I was on a pinning frenzy hoping something would claim me - and it did. I have read your posts about the things you do in your classroom and your relationships with your students, and I know you will always be Mrs. Day. But there is something exciting about discovering a new person. I wish you the best in 2017.

  5. Wow, what a great word for the challenge you have ahead of you. I love the question of who are you, if not Mrs. Day? (Although I bet you will always be her... my mom, who is now halfway through her second year of retirement, is still very much her teacher-principal self, both in what she does (a little consulting & speaking) and who others see her as.) I can't wait to hear what you DISCOVER this year!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

 We’ve been gone from home for 20 days. We started home Friday and drove about 7 /2 hours. Another 6 hour Saturday, and finished up Sunday, ...