Saturday, November 5, 2016

#CelebrateMonday and All the Rest of the Week


I stood in the hallway, watching students racing off to their first hour class, wishing I had stopped at the local convenience store and bought myself a cappuccino to sip during my prep. I was going to head up to the lounge to grab a cup of coffee, but it wasn't the same thing. And then, from around the corner, came a wonderful sight.

Mitchell, one of my senior speech kids, had two cups in his hand and handed one to me.

"White Chocolate Caramel cappuccino. Your favorite."

Monday saved.

Tuesday was our first day of conferences. I woke up that morning preparing myself for a long day. After my shower, I sat down with a cup of coffee and to check Facebook and Twitter.

Tuesday saved.

Wednesday. Well, Wednesday was the Cubs. Enough said. Wednesday saved!

But Thursday. Oh, my. It's the second day of conferences and I was up much past my bedtime on a school night watching those Cubs. Yikes.

But it was OK. I certainly wasn't the only tired one. It seemed everyone watched that game much past their bedtime and we all commiserated on how tired we were, but how great the game was. Even if we weren't a Cubs fan, we knew someone who was and knew how important it was to them that the Cubs won the series. 

After a second great night of conferences, I could go home and snuggle on the couch. Sleeping in on Friday was a given. And we headed off to Wisconsin to spend time with family. 

Today we will head off to craft shows and repurposing shops, and maybe a brewery and just enjoy being together.  

Saturday saved.


  1. What a wonderful collection of moments from this week. I especially love the surprise cappuccino morning. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Rarely are conference weeks one to celebrate, but you had many celebrations all week long. Enjoy the weekend!

  3. I am not particularly a Cubs fan, but I know the history, and I think I just watched the best game ever, Deb. It was amazing. I love how you wrote your "saves"-sounds like a great week, and a good weekend coming! Happy days!

  4. These are all great "saves." What a thoughtful student you have as well -- to remember what your favorite coffee is and to bring you one, on a Monday no less. Hope you had a great time in Wisconsin. I live in SE WI near Milwaukee. It was a beautiful day here. Have a great week, Deb!

  5. Love that you found something to celebrate every single day!

  6. Your sequential tracing of your celebrations was fun to read. Ah the Cubs!


10/31 #solsc Just too Tired

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