Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Guilty Slice

I am failing my own Creative Writing class. I require my kids to write every day. And those Creative Writing 2 kids, they have to write a blog post three times a week.

But I don't.

And those tweets, #EDtime2wrt, make me feel guilty.

Because I do believe that if you teach reading and writing, then you ought to be a reader and a writer.

I'm doing great on the reading. Every day I carve out time to read (and I've read some amazing books this year), but the writing just hasn't happened. I keep making these promises to my blog that I will write more,

but I lie.

And I don't write.

Soon I will turn the calendar page and realize that it's almost March. A time I love to write. But my writing muscles are weak, pathetic really. I need to start exercising them if I plan on writing every day for a month.  I need to write. Daily. Blog more. Reflect more. Write more.

They say if you publicly make a promise, you are more likely to follow through.

We'll see.


  1. I feel the same way, Deb. They say a workout partner helps, too, so I'll follow your lead and try to stretch my writing muscles with more consistency.

  2. I can truly say that I've missed your writing and sharing! You and Chloe have so much to share. Here's hoping that by your public proclamation, you will strive to write as often as you can.

    1. Thanks, Judy. It's nice to see old friends here :)

  3. Be kind to yourself. Forgive. Celebrate the fact you showed up today. Yay!!! You wrote. You blogged! I'm glad you're here!

    1. You, Michelle, are one of the reasons I am here. Every time I saw a tweet or an Instagram post I'd think to myself, "I need to be doing this..."

  4. Sometimes I think writing is just like exercising...we know it is good for us but it is so easy to let it slide. One day at a time.

    1. That's what I'm thinking. I just felt so guilty that I was requiring it of my kids, but not doing it myself :)

  5. I miss reading your clever and thoughtful words, Deb, if that helps. Going public does help make a kind of pact. Best wishes!

    1. Thanks,Linda. It feels good to write today. Twice, I might add :)

  6. Too bad you can't see my ear to ear grin after reading your words. Yay! Keep it up, you know there are readers waiting.

  7. You can do it, Deb! I've been missing your writing! And I've been feeling exactly the same way. Writing is hard work... and that's one reason it's so important to struggle right along with our kids. But it's also important to cut ourselves (and our kids) a break, and recognize that working hard, even when it's not perfect, is a very good thing. (In fact, I didn't want to write tonight... but I did it anyway, because I knew I'd feel better if I did... and I was right!)

  8. Deb, why don't you start by creating a digital inspiration for my new gallery, Winter Wanderings? Would love to see an offering from you.

  9. You aren't alone - I have been failing in this same way - with a lot of my habits actually... I think just knowing there are other people trying too... that can help.


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